Update on phone policy, Broadcast 9/21/19

In the last few weeks, there have been many incidents involving cell phone use and incomplete tasks. This has led to us not being able to serve customers quickly and give them the quality they expect.

Effective immediately, cell phones and smart watches are not to be used by employees during shifts. This applies to checking messages and email, talking on the phone or any other personal use. Cell phones should not be out.

For safety as well as customer service: headphones are not permitted, except when roasters are roasting coffee (music only, no streaming or browsing). Laptops and tablets are not permitted.

All day to day messages with management during work need to be sent on Groupme on the iPad. Do not text, just use Groupme on the iPad.

If you need to call management, use the shop’s cordless phone. Important phone numbers are listed next to the phone.
Simply put, do not use your phone or smart watch at work. Personal phone use can, and will, result in termination of employment.