Broadcast 6/28/2020

There have been many issues over the last couple of weeks that resulted in customer service issues and a negative review that need to be resolved.

  1. Masks & hygiene: Masks need to be worn at all times when helping customers at checkout, while making drinks and generally anytime a customer is in the shop. That means as soon as a customer walks in, masks need to be worn. Masks also need to be worn while roasting and making deliveries.

    Other times you need to wear a mask:
    Anytime a customer can see you, so like walking in customer seating areas, if you need to bring a drink out to someone, making a drink for your self, etc

    There is a sense of relief for customers when they see you are wearing masks so always make sure it is handy and you slip it back on when customers come in.

    Hands need to be washed before making drinks and after using the register.

    Everyone needs to practice social distancing inside the shop and when off duty. That means limit social gatherings and avoid people and areas with covid cases.

    Out of state travel needs to be reported to me at

    If you have a fever or are sick or suspect you have covid, contact me asap

  2. Shop cleanliness and prep
    There have been multiple instances when items on the bar have been out of stock and not prepped. These include:
    Milks not stocked in fridges up front
    Cold brews not cut. Cold brew needs to be ready and stocked in the fridge so it is cold before we pouring.
    Lids and cups not restocked.
    Random items left out on bar
    Many areas not being swept and trash not taken out
    Outside furniture not being setup and unlocked
    Trash and debris not being swept up outside
    The list goes on…

  3. Excuses: Many people have been giving me excuses when things aren’t done and some of you have also blamed on me for your tasks not being done or done incorrectly. Simply put, do not make excuses for things not being done. I will call you out on it. This is a final warning.

  4. Checklists: There are new modified checklists that need to be completed for morning, midday, closing and weekly like before covid. If you have any questions, please let me know. I will also be assigning tasks as they come up.

  5. Phones: still not allowed.

I really hope everyone understands the severity of these issues. I appreciate everyone’s work, but tasks need to be done on time and correctly in the most professional way. Our customers notice when things go right or wrong and we need to show them that we are the best coffee shop in Columbia.

Group chat: We are requiring all employees to leave the groupme “Swave” as it has members that are no longer employees of Shortwave. This is required by the start of your next shift.

A new team chat will be set up on Whatsapp.

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