Broadcast 10/30/18

Pastries and food
We’ve added some new food items to our offerings.

  • Muffins: Chocolate, Blueberry and Banana Nut
  • Butter Croissants
  • Peggy Jean Pies
  • Fluffybutt cookies: Chocolate chip and sugar cookies. The new sugar cookies are naked without frosting so it will be less sweet.
  • Fresh fruit cups: Make sure to keep the cups on ice and change the ice when it melts every couple of hours. Only a few inches of ice is needed. At the end of the night put the cups that have been out into the black fridge so it doesn’t get mixed up with the new cups in the back fridge. Prices vary on seasonality.
  • Oatmeal cups: These are really tasty and easy to make. Just open and add 204 degree water up to the faint blue line and wait a few minutes. Directions are on the side of the cup.
  • B&B Bagels
  • Harolds Donuts

For end of night counts, include all the food items, including the ones on display, under counter, in fridge etc.

Muffins and croissants stay in their glass pastry displays overnight. Do not put them in the same box as the donuts.

We need to sell out of all the food items daily. Remember to offer a food item to each customer when they are placing their order.


Drink Fridge

Make sure that each type of drink and flavor is stocked in the drink fridge. We’ve had some drinks not available in the drink fridge. It is especially time consuming to get drinks from the back when the customer orders it.


Sugar Table

Do not stock plastic spoons on the sugar table. They are only for the oatmeal cups. The cup of spoons is by the teas behind the bar.

Knives and forks need to be out on the table so customers can help themselves.

If a customer asks for napkins, direct them to the sugar table.


Holiday Music

Please do not play holiday music yet.


Employee only areas

Only current employees are allowed behind the bar, back room, roaster area and other areas of the building where customers normally do not go, except for approved contractors and repair personnel.

If someone shows up and needs access to these areas, contact management immediately on group me.